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Online Consultation and Supervision

Who is helping the helper?​


When I first started I once asked - who will debrief the debriefer? To which the group of clinicians AND my supervisor laughed at me - like actually! 


That was over 20 years ago. Thanks to the awareness I had - I feel grateful that I haven't burnt out or struggled with vicarious trauma BECAUSE I had to actively seek debriefing and support for my own personal work work.


I eventually found research that spoke to vicarious trauma, compassion fatigue, burn out and yes even the lack of support for a clinician when a client passes away.


I also think there's value in having support that allows you to be vulnerable and that cannot be facilitated by a manager who does your performance review.


As I see more clinicians coming into the mental health I'm excited to walk with you as you grow personally and professionally.


The privilege of our work is that our clients can show us where we are stuck or where our pain points are. This is an invitation to you to do your own work and grow.


If you try to walk with a client through a space you haven't walked through - they'll sense your hesitation and inexperience. 


Clinical supervision and consultations keep you fresh, informed and connected!


It's a privilege for me to journey with you into the spaces you hold your fears and concerns so that you can be clean and clear in session and provide the excellent care you do!


Step ONE: Book your free meet and greet below!


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