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  • Purpose
    Why this service? Why now? Are you committed to excellence? Me too! As a clinician I have been committed to improvement, lifelong learning and a belief that when a clinician puts their best foot forward into a session - the client and the clinician both grow!
  • What is the format for the sessions?
    Online Video Conferences, pre recorded videos and phone calls – this means you can do it all from the comfort of your home or your office. Once registered, you will be sent a link to follow; each session I will start with a “mini lecture” on an EMDR topics including common stumbling blocks; this is followed by member case discussions (easy to follow template provided) and each member gets an opportunity to share challenges, developments and successes! We try to cap each group with 4-6 people
  • Texts & Reading
    We will be based in Francine Shapiro’s EMDR 3rd edition book with optional reading articles including from the EDMRIA journal Chapter summaries will be reviewed as refreshers
  • Pre-Requisites
    EMDRIA approved basic training, preferred active clinical caseload in which you are using or hoping to use EMDR; an open and non judgemental attitude and desire to learn together
  • Certification
    It is best practice to become and maintain EMDR Certification. Letters of support and reference are available as appropriate. Please be aware that Farah is currently a CIT and cansuggest a consultant for your remaining consulting hours.
  • EMDR/EMRDIA Canadian Compliance
    The new consultation package was just released and there are some expected changes pertaining to Individual Consultation for Certifications. These changes took effect Jan 1, 2020 – if you are hoping to become certified please visit their site or connect with me to discuss. All hours are eligible for the EMDRIA Certificated in EMDR Credentials; EMDR Consultation This practice adheres to the highest standards of Emdria and Dr. Francine Shapiro's practices.
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