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Hello...mastering the meet and greet!

Relax, be yourself, and make them feel welcome - you're the professional and the host. Try to keep it gently contained.


If you're unsure or not confident about something remember we are a team and here for consults any time!

Audio Samples of Meet and Greet:

Sample 1:

Meet and greetFarah K
00:00 / 26:55

Sample 2:

Meet & Greet with Time OffFara Kurji
00:00 / 17:52


Celebrating Sexual and Gender Diversity





I acknowledge that we reside on Aboriginal Land. We respect both the land and the people of this land including all Indigenous people who have walked in this place and accept the responsibility to uphold the respect and care for the land.

Copyright 2019

Subsidiary of Farah Kurji Counselling

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